Here I will share my thoughts and analyzes about various topics that interest me and which I think may interest you readers as well. Every post will be possible to comment, as I would like to start discussions about my thoughts. By the way, it's no coincidence that the site is green and white. Rögle BK (ice hockey team in Ängelholm, Sweden) is the team in my heart =)Here I share with me my experiences of living with high-functioning autism. I will explain a little about what it means and write about different situations I have been involved in and how I interpreted things then. I will also explain why I have renounced the diagnosis name […]
Here I analyze everything possible within the World of James Bond. There is so much to have an opinion about in this world and there is already enough fact pages about Bond, so I take this different approach. And as always, James Bond will return!
Tennis was my first big interest and I have very much experience. The idea here is to write articles that helps people with their tennis, perhaps it will be you?
I have only completed basic coach education, but still know a lot about how to practice this sport!